03 Aug,2019

The Maine Hip hop Artist Koda has Come to Rock the World with New Music 'Free Fall'

Koda, the hip hop singer hails from Topsham Maine and has been able to deliver some compelling numbers that has found a place in the minds of the listeners. If you want to connect with the Maine hiphop artist you can go to Facebook and listen to his melodious tune on Soundcloud. He has his own production house by the name Koda. He opined that his music is very much rooted to reality and it is very heavy and has a soul to it that can be found in his new song 'Free Fall'. He is of the opinion that he belongs to a very small town and the only thing that was close to him was music.

The genre Koda has mastered his talent in is contemporary hip hop. His new song 'Free Fall' is a true example of new age hip hop that is ruling the roost at this moment. The song is soaked in rhythms of jazz that percolates and directly trips down to the souls of the listeners. It has an impact upon the emotions that focuses on the interpersonal relationship among human beings in the classiest way possible. The bounce in the song which has a connotation of jazz moves down the streets in downtown Manhattan in the most carefree way possible. The soundscape of the song enchants you throughout and the dynamics of progression is very much lovable to the listeners. The profound nature of the song uplifts the mood and engages blissfully.

Find the full track here : https://soundcloud.com/207koda702/free-fall-prod-by-koda

Follow him on facebook for further update : https://www.facebook.com/OfficiallyKODA