03 Aug,2019

Upcoming Artist Lil Funk’s Song ‘Bussdown Baby’ is an Extravaganza of Various Musical Elements

Lil Funk

As hip-hop is moving more towards the current wave of artistic expressions as one of the most independent genres of all, artists are conceptualizing their opinions along with captivating musical instincts. Upcoming hip-hop artist Lil Funk is creating all kinds of compelling musical presentations that are sweeping the audience off its feet. His newly released song ‘Bussdown Baby’ is a beautiful motif that draws the best elements of rhythmic, musical, and lyrical profoundness and collectively puts out an end-result that has an honest groove to it. ‘Bussdown Baby’ can be placed ideally as a modern song, a tribute to the contemporary wave of musical progression. As he spontaneously lends his flexible vocals to the construction of the song, he finds both personal and artistic closure.


Lil Funk is a San Diego hip-hop artist whose transformative take on what note to add where makes him a genius of a rapper. He has already garnered a huge audience base with other songs like ‘Hold Up’, ‘Rack It Up’, and ‘Question’ among others, all of which retain the unadulterated identity of the genre’s cultural greatness. He is not just an artist here to present to the world musical equilibrium but also gives out the idea of emotional resilience for those looking for motivation. A beautiful soundscape that traverses the various areas of musical and melodic luster, Lil Funk is just getting started. Support this appreciable work of aesthetic freedom of music by following him on Soundcloud, iTunes , Instagram, and YouTube.


Visit to listen this song 'Bussdown Baby' by Lil Funk :
