22 Feb,2020

The Virginia Singer Xxthealchemist Impresses the Audiencw with His Versatility


Brilliantly using the unique elements of the Hip Hop and the Alternative Rock genre, xxthealchemist has enchanted the SoundCloud listeners. Casting his magical spell of musicality over the international platform, the Virginia singer has filled the musical canvas with colors of captivating musicality. The most relevant example of these facts is the track ‘Freaks And Geeks’. This was one of the most successful tracks of the last year and the impact is way bigger compared to any other recent tracks. Reaching the farthest corners of the music industry, the track ‘D E P R E S S I O N (S L O W E D)’ helped the artist earn lot fame across the globe. A single listen to this track will be enough for the listeners to get drowned within the creativity.

Xxthealchemist’s immense passion and love for both the genres can be felt in each of the tracks. He has pretty successfully caged the souls of the listeners within the harmonically-rich tracks. The track ‘I Hate Love’ is a fine example of this fact. The intricacy of the structural development in 'hoes be lyin' gets soothed by the performance of the artist, leading to a musical intoxication that the audience fell for. His breathtaking performance in the track ‘Real Friends’ has taken the entire musical arrangement to a whole different level of brilliance, leaving the audience spellbound. Armed with fascinating musicianship, the artist has portrayed the purest form of artistry in the track ‘autumn’. To listen to this and more, follow him on Instagram.

Click here to get the full track on SoundCloud : https://soundcloud.com/user-919296438/hoes-be-lyin