12 Aug,2024

Kaskade Commences Innovative AI Songwriting Contest Teaming Up with SoundCloud and Soundful

Kaskade Commences Innovative AI Songwriting Contest Teaming Up with SoundCloud and Soundful

Kaskade launches an impressive AI songwriting contest, teaming up with SoundCloud and Soundful. This is going to be a one-of-a-kind competition for those who enjoy getting recognized and appreciated for their work. The generative AI techniques along with the vastly distributive platforms like SoundCloud have joined forces with Kaskade to pick a winner and celebrate their craft with some lucrative prizes. To learn about this first-of-its-kind content you can follow along with this article and learn about not just how to enter this contest but also how you can get out of it.

    • About Soundful:

Soundful is a great platform to generate distinctive studio-quality music across various music-streaming platforms. This platform will allow any music artist to create songs powered by artificial intelligence. These algorithms are human-trained and also can be guided by a music theory. This platform is never trained for copywritten material.

    • About SoundCloud:

SoundCloud is a great platform for artists across various nations which will allow them to learn about the entire process of how they can acquire popularity through regular releases. This platform has always celebrated emerging artists and with time it has become one of the vastly used platforms for maximum exposure.

    • About the Contest:

Soundful, Kaskade, and SoundCloud partner up with one another to deliver multiple prizes to the most deserving candidates for this competition. This is going to be an unprecedented experience for all winners and also those who are entering this content. Here’s everything you need to know about this contest.

    • Eligibility:

To enter this competition you will need to have the eligibility. The following measure is the eligibility quotient for this unique AI songwriting contest. If you are a music artist are want your craft to be celebrated then you can follow along whether you have all the eligibility measures or not.

    1. Firstly, the competition is open to everyone.

    2. Entrants from across the world can enter this contest

    3. To enter you will need to be 18 years old or above, applicants who are not 18 years old years will not be selected for the competition.

    4. The applicant should have a verified account on both the platforms, SoundCloud and Soulful.

    5. Artists who have signed any contract with other recording brands or are a part of any contract or artist guild or union will also not be entertained for this completion.

    6. No one enters this content in collaborations, however, collaborative releases will be selected only for the artist who has uploaded the track on SoundCloud.

    7. The contest is subjected to all applicable federal, local, and state laws.

    8. Every applicant should appreciate and abide by the rules of the content

    9. They will also appreciate the decision of the selected judges for this contest.

    10. One entrant can submit more than one song but, each of the releases needs to be different from another. Various versions of one track will not be entertained.

These are the measures that one has to understand before they submit their names or their tracks for this number. This is a very unique way to celebrate your craft and also you can use the prize money to hone your skills and work on your overall growth as a music artist.

Also Read: The Future of Music Production in the Hands of AI

    • How it Works:

Primarily, you need to create a song using the Kaskade’s collab model on Soulful and also use your digital audio workstation to make the number. Once the song is you will need to apply for the competitions. To enter the completion you will also have to follow some simple steps.

    • How to Get In:

Step 1 – Upload your music on SoundCloud via your individual account and use the following hashtag #kaskade

Step 2 – To complete the entrance process you will have to submit your required information in the designated boxes along with the SoundCloud URL.

Step 3 – Everything should be completed together to ensure that none of this information is missing out.

Step 4 – To enter more releases repeat the same process.

If you are submitting more than one release then you will need to repeat the process for each song from the start. You cannot add more than one link in one application form. Make sure each of your releases is unique from another and you will not be breaking any rules of this competition.

Note – Each and every Soundful and SoundCloud terms and conditions will be applicable while you enter a song for this contest. Through the submission of each of their releases, each entrant will represent diversified releases. These releases will not contain any unlicensed samples or any unauthorized vocals. If you do not comply with any of these rules your releases can get disqualified and you can be out of this competition.

    • Prizes:

The first-place prize

    • a co-release with Kaskade with his music recording label Arkade.

    • The winner will get an opportunity to perform with Kaskade in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    • The winner will also get two years of Soundful Pro Plan and one year of SoundCloud Next Pro.

    • He or she will get a $ 1,000 cash prize

    • One year of SoundCloud Next Pro.

    • Sound will offer a $1000 cash prize to the winner.

    • Sound will also give the winner up to $1000 as travel convenience to meet and greet Kaskade

The second-place prize

    • a one-year Soundful Pro Plan.

    • The runner-up will get to release a song with Kaskade’s music recording label Arkade.

    • The song will be showcased on Soundful.

    • The runner-up will get a $500 cash prize from Soundful

    • Winner Selection

From all the eligible entries the selected panel of judges will judge each of the tracks selected for this combined celebration of new talents by Soundful, and Soundful’s Kaskade. However, Soundful has reserved the right to distribute the prizes to themselves and with proper discretion they will pick the winners of this competition. The competition will start when they have received a sufficient number of qualified entries for this competition. If you are thinking of getting in, start honing your craft and use Soundful to create a fresh release.