13 Aug,2024

What Are The Requirements for YouTube Monetization in 2024?

What Are The Requirements for YouTube Monetization in 2024?

YouTube is the biggest video streaming platform in the world with over 2 billion active users that visit the application every month. This means there is a massive window of opportunity for content creators to connect to audiences from literally every corner of the world. At the same time, it also signals increasing competition on the platform where thousands of video gets uploaded every minute.

However, for content creators, the biggest dream is to get millions of views on YouTube and finally start earning from the platform. Now YouTube has made some significant changes in its monetization policies for this year. This has somehow made it even easier for content creators to upload interesting and engaging content and earn from it. So if you are new to the world of YouTube monetization or are not aware of the freshly made changes, here is the comprehensive guide for you.

New requirements for YouTube monetization

According to the previous rules of YouTube, the platform required creators to have a total of 4000 watch hours and at least 1000 subscribers to be able to qualify to earn from YouTube. However, this was the talk of the past year and now these requirements have been reduced in half. Now, according to the new YouTube rules, creators need to have only 500 subscribers along with either 3 million YouTube Shorts views in the last 90 days or at least 3000 watch hours in the past year to be able to qualify for some of the monetization features on the platform.

What are the benefits of this new monetization policy?

Creators will be able to have several benefits from these new requirements posted by YouTube. This is especially beneficial for the creators who are just starting out on the platform or have not been able to build a wider fan base. The threshold has been lower this year and it makes it easier for smaller creators and channels to finally start earning from their content. However, it is equally important to notice that not all features of monetization have been unlocked when the creators pass this new threshold. Until you reach the previous requirements, Ad revenues will not be available for you.

Also Read: YouTube Monetization: How to Make Money from YouTube Videos

How do you apply for the newly expanded YouTube Partner Program?

These freshly released requirements make it exciting for content creators to join the YouTube Partner Program as soon as possible. So how do you do that? To join this newly expanded YouTube Partner Program, you need to make sure that you are following all the monetization policies on YouTube. You also need to make sure that you are producing high-quality content, showing your videos in eligible countries, creating advertiser-friendly content, etc. Moreover, you also need to have two-step verification enabled for the Google account. Lastly, make sure that you also have an active AdSense account which is associated with your YouTube channel. Once you meet all these requirements by YouTube, you can apply to join the program in YouTube Studio through the Earnings section.

Which monetization features are available with 500 subscribers?

First, you need to make sure you meet all the requirements for the YouTube Partner Program. Then when you join the YouTube Partner Program with 500 subscribers, you can start earning money through YouTube and its various monetization policies. They are -

    • Super Stickers and Super Chat -

Your followers will be able to buy Super Stickers which are fun, animated stickers and appear in the live chat. They will also be able to buy Super Chat to highlight their messages in live chat.

    • Super Thanks -

This feature will allow your fans to purchase and you will get the revenue from the followers who want to show extra gratitude toward your videos.

    • Shopping -

This feature will allow you to link the store of your official merchandise to YouTube. You can showcase your products using this feature and your subscribers will be able to buy directly from your store.

    • Channel Support -

Visitors can join your channel by giving you monthly payments as this feature allows you to give them exclusive benefits in return for their payments.

How do you continue to earn money from YouTube?

The number one rule to keep earning money through YouTube's monetization policies and keep increasing the amount is to keep your channel's status active. Once you start earning from the platform, remember that this is not the end goal. You need to push yourself for better content, both in terms of quality and quantity. You need to frequently post videos and do everything in your power to increase your visibility on the platform. Otherwise, this way of earning money might stop for you. YouTube is known for disabling monetization for channels that do not stay active, post on the Community Tab, or do not upload a video in 6 months. If your channel's monetization gets disabled, it will be extremely difficult to turn it back on.

As the policies have softened up this year, it is time to focus more on your career as a content creator and actively promote your channel on different social media platforms.