The music world has become more competitive than it used to be ten years ago. So every musician is out there trying to survive and thrive based on the music they love to create but the game is not that simple. A musician cannot keep creating music without getting any remuneration in return. The world runs on money and the musicians need it too. So the best way to keep creating the thing they love while still being able to earn from it is the main motive for any kind of musician. Selling your music is an easy way to get that money rolling and due to the advancement of technologies, you can sell your music over the internet now which makes the whole deal quite smooth and less time-consuming.
But before you start selling everything you have written so far, try to consider a few things.
• Good quality is always been preferred over great quantity. You need to make sure that the tracks or the albums you are trying to sell are of the best quality you can afford because no matter how many tracks you want to provide your audience with, they won’t listen to even a single one till the end it is not of good quality. To get better quality try to record your music in a soundproof studio where all the technicalities can be measured and improvised according to the needs of the tracks. Usage of a good microphone, headset, and other software that are of a certain standard is advised to be used while recording to get the proper sound.
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• Building your online presence is crucial before you start selling your music. The whole world is using various social media platforms on a day-to-day basis so if you can tap into those the chance of your name and your track reaching a wider range of audience will surely go high. The more your audience gets familiar with your brand or your music career, the more likely they will buy your music. Nobody wants to waste their money, especially on something or someone they have not heard of. So the main aim of being present on social media is to build brand identity and value.
When you seem to get enough crowds at the social media platforms, utilize your website.
Sell Music from Your Website
Your website is like a resume that contains everything related to your musical journey and career. You can bring the crowd to your website by posting snippets of your new tracks, videos of performances, and even links to your tracks that are available somewhere else. More importantly, having your own website gives you all the freedom and control of data. You can have access to all the emails that will be needed to keep in touch with and to sell music to your loyal fans.
Utilize the Streaming Platforms
Nowadays, most of the people rely on different streaming platforms for their daily dose of music. Even though the money made through these music streaming platforms seems a bit smaller than you would imagine but the goal is to get discovered by new listeners and create a bond with them. The curated playlists featured in these music streaming platforms are one of the best ways for an upcoming musician to get noticed by a larger audience and when you are able to create a deep bond with that audience you can easily use it to sell your music.
Use Your Mail List
Email marketing may seem outdated but it is still one of the most important tools you can use to drive sales. The main reason is that not everyone checks their social media every day carefully but they do check if there has come a new mail. Posting on social media will get you reach but is low in comparison to what your mail list can give you. If they’ve opted into your list, either to receive news or by downloading music in the past, chances are they would welcome an opportunity to support you. Make the most of this list by sending a series of dedicated email blasts to your fan list with a link to buy your album. Encourage pre-sales, and sales, and send out other meaningful news about your music.
If done right, all of this will help you strengthen the relationship with your fans, drive more sales, and make money to create more music in the future.
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