The Tennessee rapper DAI keeps the buzz at a high level with her each new release. The way she has expressed her creativity through her vocal style in her tracks is simply spellbinding. The music seems familiar yet refreshing, and meanwhile, the beats pour over the sound that makes her tracks more enchanting and melodically soothing. Lyrically the tracks grow from being simple to something complex, which is quite likable. The tracks are designed with some awesome beats, which lay beautifully under the artist’s performance. And, the superb production of her tracks allows the musicality to capture the listener completely.
‘MISSION ACCOMPLISHED’, ‘WOKE’, ‘MIND FUCKER’, and ‘ARRIVAL’ are some of the best musical pieces crafted by DAI. After each passing moment, the following soundscape grasps the audience more and more. Then comes the vocal delivery of DAI and she just steals the show with her performance; her vocal delivery varies according to the pace of the tracks, and each word sung by her provides a sense of brightness and intensity to the track. Tune in to music streaming site SoundCloud, to listen to more of her amazing tracks. Also, follow her on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates, and subscribe to her YouTube channel for the latest content.
Check his all latest tracks on SoundCloud:
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