08 Jun,2023

Psiloscrybin offers a new taste of hip-hop with his latest single 'little devil'



There are some emerging rappers in the new-age hip-hop scene who are redefining the taste with their musical creations. Psiloscrybin is one of them who knows how to experiment with his craft. This artist has recently dropped a single titled ‘little devil’ that offers a unique taste along with intriguing bars. The banger has a clock time of around 4 minutes but its impact stays longer with a soothing yet hooky soundscape. Starting off with soft acoustic guitar, the track offers a delightful soundscape and further maintains it throughout the whole soundscape. The banger also consists of an intriguing lyrical approach that offers a blend of poignancy and optimism at the same time. This banger is produced by Ratajj. 


Psiloscrybin has just embarked on his musical career and he has dropped some powerful tracks already. Other than ‘little devil’, he has also dropped ‘Let it be’, ‘Roselyn Floras’, and ‘Saturday’. Each of these bangers is deftly crafted to make sure every listener can find something unique to groove with. These singles are the greatest examples of the rapper’s skills, talent, and creative psyche that can captivate everyone. Even though he is an independent and emerging rapper, his well-seasoned bars and flawless deliverance show his proficiency in the field. This is just the beginning of his career and there is no stopping now. The rapper is looking forward to dropping more exciting bangers in the coming days that establish his sheer individuality in the new-age music scene. Want to explore more about this rapper?


Visit his official YouTube Channel and stay tuned to know more:

