01 Apr,2021

Let There Be Darkness Has Created a Web of Magic around the Minds of Fans with Their Latest Tracks

The brilliant band, Let There Be Darkness has churned out the most sensational numbers in the goth and industrial music genre. They have come up with tracks like ‘Myself Decay’, ‘Endless Rain’, ‘Bleeding Black’ and ‘Eat My Cult’. Charles Richburg happens to be the lyricist and vocalist from the popular Los Angeles based music band. He is an African American goth and has spent twenty years in the industrial and goth scene. His forte is creating dark music for all the dark people. The vocalist mainly sings about eternal despair and the subject of his tracks revolves around hell and death. The singer from the band is greatly influenced by Suicide Commando, Nine Inch Nails, and Velvet Acid Christ, VNV Nation, and Hocico. The tracks by the band are streamed on Spotify and the music videos are trending on YouTube

Let There Be Darkness

The tracks, Myself Decay and Endless Rain have got heavy vocals. The songs, ‘Bleeding Black’ and ‘Eat My Cult’ have the cacophony of industrial music. The band, Let There Be Darkness has engaged innumerable listeners with their immersive and splendid musicality. Currently, the band has released an album that is called ‘Satanic Celebrity’. Darkness is used as a common theme in all the tracks. The track has used religious symbolism where darkness is represented by despair and negativity. The band has used a lot of such symbols as part of the tracks. The latest updates by the band are available on their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram handles

Listen to their creations on Soundcloud now: https://soundcloud.com/let-there-be-darkness