The perfect soothing tunes of guitar intertwined with melancholy notes in enchanting female voice is the ideal intro for a song that evokes the deepest emotions of the singer Joel Lopez. ‘I'm Sorry’ is one of his latest releases of 2019 that has grabbed all the attention of his fans for its proper imitation of the singer’s sentiments for a particular person who is still a part of his life though they are wide apart. Its luring hook evokes an emotional doldrums that instantly intrigue a person to take the ride with the singer in the quest of the land of broken hearts. He writes the song in a way that the words are intertwined with his mindscape.
Joel Lopez is a terrific emerging singer who has composed a number of singles in the last few years. He comes from New Mexico with an ardent fair of music in his bones. He developed a keen interest in music at an early stage of his life and flourished his mastery through lots of hard work and passion over the years. He made hits on SoundCloud like ‘Foreplay’, ‘Recovery’ and ‘Adjust’ which have presented different emotions played through an astonishing mix of rhythms and overwhelming raps. ‘I'm Sorry’ is a slow song drenched in sadness and remorse with a yearning to relive the lost moment with that special person. It is a sad song with a cathartic effect coming from the effortless rap flow that is evident throughout the song. His felicity with words and tempo will make him a remarkable artist very soon. Follow him on Instagram for updates for his upcoming album.
Listen to this song ‘I'm Sorry’ on SoundCloud here :
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