22 Nov,2017

Experience Some Hip Hop Fusion With Etheprophet’s “Deathcall”

Experience Some Hip Hop Fusion With Etheprophet’s “Deathcall”

We all love the things which are out of the box. And when it comes to music, what attracts us most is the off-beat. Hip hop and rap, being the most popular musical form around the world, is a familiar genre as well. Back in 1970s, hip hop took up its vow as a cultural movement. Then it started growing over the period. But the motive of the genre remained same since the dawn of its way to the road ahead. Hip hop, when blended with another genre gives a different unique taste of music. And when that genre is alternative rock, then it can be a stupendous experience for you. Etheprophet is a young hip hop artist who can take you there with his new addition “Deathcall” on Soundcloud. Tune in to feel the difference.  

Etheprophet is an aspiring musician living in Florida. He is aiming to bring a new wave in the hip hop genre. His new release “Deathcall” is a superb instance of this objective. Alternative rock and hip hop and rap have made a fusion in this music. The acoustic sound at the beginning will grab your attention to the song in just a go. The rhythm, beats and tempo are perfectly mixed in the production. He has showed the acute perfection of mixing both acoustic and electronic sound in a musical piece. In this track, he has overruled all the stereotypes of hip hop and rap and has done a revolutionary change which you can totally understand at once by listening to the song. 

Etheprophet’s aim is to break the rules, break the barriers. “Deathcall” has done that only - both lyrically and musically. The way he has used alternative rock and hip hop together in the track is just a phenomenal deed. Experience this extra-ordinary work of Etheprophet by tuning into Soundcloud now.

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