29 Aug,2024

Debunking the YouTube Promotion Secrets: Are They Really Helpful?

Debunking the YouTube Promotion Secrets: Are They Really Helpful?

YouTube is the biggest video streaming platform in the world. Naturally, in the past few years, it has become a hub for content creators as the platform provides them with a wide array of potential viewers and engagement. However, at the same time, it has also increased the competition. How much? Let’s look at some of the statistics.

    • In 2022, every minute, more than 500 hours of video content were uploaded to YouTube. 

    • Every hour, approximately 30,000 hours of video content gets uploaded on YouTube.

Imagine yourself amid the sea of content, surely you would need some backing up, some promotional tactics that can put the highlight on your content. So, if you are active on YouTube, pretty sure you come across numerous videos and blog posts offering some tricks or secret tips that can increase your engagement on the platform. People will tell you to make shorts or to not make shorts, optimize your videos, or not to get bothered by the keywords and tags. So, which one really works?

Sometimes you will get advice from legit YouTubers whose advice might be harmful and end up hindering your channel as well. This is not intentional, but because they are not fully aware of how YouTube operates, or the advice is simply outdated.

Damaging promotional tips for YouTube in 2024:

Not every advice that you get on the internet is true. Recommendations on the internet can easily become ineffective and outdated. Most of the time these recommendations will not work the same for every creator. Everything depends on which topic you have made a video on, what is your niche, what is the video's format, or how charismatic you are in your videos. So every strategy should be tailored according to your channel and its requirements. You will find a lot of advice or recommendations on the internet, it is your responsibility to first check them and then decide whether to follow them or not.

There are mainly two kinds of advice you would find everywhere. One is for those channels that are already declining, and the other one is for those particular tips that can hinder the channel's growth.

Exposing the tips for channels in a slump:

There are channels on YouTube that are already declining and you will find many tips and tricks online to improve this phase. But do the most popular ones actually work? Let’s find out.

    • Putting too many hashtags and tags on the video description

You would often see this suggestion paired up with another piece of advice that suggests writing trendy words in the tags. To unpack this, there is a significant difference between tags and hashtags. Tags on YouTube are only written in the tag field of the video settings.

So, writing them in descriptions would not matter much. On the other hand, hashtags are best suited for video titles and descriptions that are only meant to be written with the hash symbol. So, writing them in the tag field would not get you any real effects.

    • Spamming video links in the comments

This is another piece of advice that is no longer effective. Even when this method was popular, it harmed creators and worked poorly to gain more engagement on YouTube. The platform's algorithm treats this method of gaining more views and subscribers the same as clickbait. Using this method, you will start to get irrelevant and non-targeted views which will confuse YouTube. This makes the impressions and views drop fast and the channel ends up falling into a bigger slump. If YouTube gets this figured out, it may permanently delete your account as well.

    • Copying popular content

Another easy trick that you will find online is to copy from popular creators and their content. However, if you copy the exact title, and description, and replicate their thumbnails, plots, and even subplots, you will end up becoming someone who does not have any originality. Secondly, you will also become completely dependent on other creators' content and the most popular videos. If you, by any chance, fail to analyze why they appeal to their respective audiences, you will forever lose the chance to succeed. So, you might take inspiration from other creators, analyze their strategy and content, and implement them in your videos, according to their requirements.

Exposing the tips that hinder a channel’s growth:

There are tips available online that can really hinder a channel’s growth on YouTube. Let’s figure out what they are.

    • Focusing on a narrow topic

You might have come across advice like starting a channel while focusing on a narrow topic would make you seem like an expert. But at the same time, it will limit the amount of content you can create. To attract a diverse audience, you need to mix and match with your topic but keep the genre similar. This will be appropriate for your viewers, to the experts who are interested in specifics, and also to those who are generally interested in the subject.

    • The need for too many subscribers and views to be successful

Another popular advice that can really hinder your channel's growth on YouTube is you need as many views and subscribers as possible to become really successful on the platform. A high number of subscribers does not guarantee that they all watch your videos. At the same time, views, just for the sake of views, do not mean anything if they do not lead you to a meaningful, and relevant audience. If you want to earn through monetization on YouTube, the more financially stable and older your audience base is, the more you will earn from advertising on Google.

    • Making YouTube shorts

As mentioned before, not every advice is fitted for every content creator. So, some content might benefit from being posted as shorts, while others will bring you even less engagement. The right thing here to do is to combine Shorts with other video content formats on YouTube, like long-form videos, live streams, and more. However, if you have created a channel solely because you want to post Shorts, the advertisement will work in the same way it does for Instagram Reels and TikTok.

At the end of the day, the goal is the same, becoming popular on YouTube and earning amounts. This is possible if you use a reputed YouTube promotional company like the Music Promotion Club. It is a Google-verified marketing company for YouTube videos that only deals with real engagement and organic views.