24 Jun,2020

A Creative Conundrum of Music and Lyrics Defines James Wolf’s New Album ‘Changing Perspectives’

The creative curve of contemporary hip-hop and rap has now found a new proprietor of musical escapades. Upcoming hip-hop artist and rapper James Wolf is taking over the scope of modern-day interpretations through his soundscape of extraordinary lyrical engagement and use of electronic sound modulations. He recently came out with the album, ‘Changing Perspectives’ that is creating a rather significant stir in the music arena just within a short time of its release. The album constitutes 10 lyrically-enriched tracks that express the artist’s mind in a seamless rhythmic and rhyming pattern. His use of electronic sound dynamic makes his music stand out in contemporary, creative accuracy, thus garnering an unending stream of audiences that is expected to expand in the coming times.

James Wolf

Upcoming hiphop music maker James Wolf has poured his creative and personal truthfulness into the album. ‘Changing Perspectives’ is his way of providing his audience with the therapeutic virtue of music that will eventually lead them to optimum nirvana. Some of the songs from the album like ‘A.’, ‘Fuck The System’, ‘Traumatized’, and ‘Only One Left’ are the perfect examples of coordinated music-making by the artist. His soundscape is ever-evolving that does not shy away from molding itself into new styles and formats. But above all, the virtue that sets his musical journey apart from the rest is his pursuits of creating a unanimous idea of living across the globe. Cheer for this stupendous creative story by following his work on the platforms of Soundcloud, Facebook, and Twitter.

Check out to listen this album 'Changing Perspectives' by James Wolf :
