Multiple young artists are striving to make their craft noticed amidst the huge pool of hip-hop but in the case of Yung 23, things seem to be smooth and effortless. With his pure hip-hop strategy and original rap style, the rapper has given a remarkable twist to age-old hip-hop and included his fascinating form to tell out his story. The artist reflects on his gifted virtues and upholds his status as a pioneer of the hip-hop community with his critical hard-hitting rap caricature. His effectively fresh sound and well-rooted rap-singing defines his authenticity and drags the listener’s attention. On his latest music video ‘Remember’, the artist can be seen performing his flawless rap that quickly comes flowing in with the infectious beats and melodies to sound increasingly addictive to the ears. His idea and the production of the video are enough to tell his skilled craftsmanship and his body language just gives enough reasons to put the song on loop.
The rapper’s addictive string of words combined with his stylish performance highly appeals and the lyrics grip you with its punch. The rapper performs along with his two other mates but it is impossible to get distracted from his catchy, breathless performance. His sound breaks through the scene and exposes his lashing personality and carefree creativity all at once. Coming from the United States, Yung 23 has composed the video under the label Deaf Note Entertainment and is sure to connect with his audience with his lyrical abilities. The 24-year-old hip-hop artist is exploring the deeply rooted sounds of hip-hop to claim his territory and injects his own chilled out vibes to earn popularity. There’s something uniquely fresh and intimidating about his style in ‘Remember’ that hits with absolute impact. To listen to this gritty rapper follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, and catch up with his song on YouTube.
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