The Hip Hop and R&B artist from New York NuneTheRebel makes the debut single ‘Who I Am’ as a throwback to his youthful misadventures and jaded moments in life. He is famous as Krazy Kash, the sensational soundcloud artist who makes room for some bewilderment through the stunning rap flow. The song is streaming on soundcloud with all the flying colours. It is not long before he turned his back on the tempting street life that he started to shine as a big studio artist but seems like he hasn’t lost his touch in street hip hop. The new single is flooded with street affairs and catchy phrases that draw the swanky life he is living.
NuneTheRebel is a creative person who mixes different sound to play mellifluous rhythms that can get completely penetrated when he articulates the words of a sage with dignity and style. He is a potential rapper coming out of Brooklyn who is more than eager to share his experimental stories. The unique manner of storytelling through the new track ‘Who I Am’ aka Krazy Kash has caught several eyes. His popularity has crossed the boundaries of the nations as people are accepting the new style of his crooning. He never runs out of ideas for his music and his business. Soon he will be coming more singles on soundcloud.
Listen to the song ‘Who I Am’, click the given below link :