29 Oct,2020

Waterofelegance Becomes an Experimental Body of Work with Infusions of Soul Music

Incorporating infectious melodies and the sweetest harmonies, Waterofelegance makes a portion of R&B and Soul music that you will drink happily if you don’t want to drown in your sorrow. The killer beats and beautiful cadence make a magical moment through the heartfelt verses sung in her refined voice. The upcoming Missouri Soul artist is working on many projects simultaneously, and her preview tracks are successfully streaming on SoundCloud. 2020 has been a miserable year for all the musicians worldwide but she is overcoming the damage done to her. With her new projects and soulful records streaming worldwide, she finally catches a breath. With the new preview list, she is one step closer to the total eminence.


Waterofelegance celebrates her youth and the tragedies that befall her for the privation of experience in her life. She embraces her flawed human behaviors and finds inspiration to create eclectic music that gives hope to broken people and pushes them towards the light.Do No Wrong’ is a beautiful song with immersive melodies that shout out to the compassion and kindness every human possesses in their soul. It is a song about helping people with the kindness and love that God has gifted in us. She discloses her romantic flames unforgivingly straight for her audience in the song ‘Kiss’. It is an intimate song where she portrays the thrill of love with the art of simple storytelling. Listeners will hear her unashamed version of building a kingdom of her own with her flair in the hit preview Born to Live. The songs are rejuvenating like the summer evenings, and the beautiful melodies will take you far away from the cacophony of reality. You can follow her on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more updates.

To check out the songs of Waterofelegance, visit the given link: https://soundcloud.com/waterofelegance