OnlyJai has made hip-hop proud with his latest sound offerings that necessarily highlight the artist’s most outstanding vocal style. His latest playlist acts like a launch pad to his most entrancing hip-hop tracks that hold a very deep meaning. The versatile hiphop artist shows his sheer passion for music with a certain creative edge that outlines his artistic talent completely and separates him from others of his genre. He effectively adds something fresh to his musical process plus a string of the most thoughtful lyrics that brings together his insight with poetic observation. His latest playlist ‘Keep Ya Distance’ is a brilliant form of musical art work that upholds the artists profound rap style. Songs like ‘Broken Hearted’, ‘Back To Back’, ‘Fadeaway’, and ‘I Do This!’ features smart rhymes but more complex thoughts that easily makes this release worth a listen.
Coming from the United States, OnlyJai succumb all attention to his fluent rap work and hooks them consistently by his well crafted expression of emotional longing, and hope that sounds extremely pleasurable in his unique vocal texture. He puts in a lot of mood to his compositions that drives with thought evoking songwriting to make the records sound professional and crisp. His way of delivering the verses is completely different and OnlyJai shows his authenticity by poetically detailing his story revealing his emotions in a literal manner that urges the listener to connect to his striking musical work. The songs are now available on Soundcloud for full listen and to know more about the artist follow him on Instagram and Twitter.
Listen to all tracks under the playlist 'Keep Ya Distance' on Soundcloud :