Hip hop evolves with time, and with his dedication and hard work, this current rap artist known as Young Kaso is on his way to being the next big thing in the business. He is a talented rap artist that performs hip-hop songs. He's lately collaborated with labels like KASORECORDS, which has been a huge success thus far. In the previous several months, the Upcoming Colorado Rapper has released two additional hip hop singles, garnering huge recognition as a rising rapper. From his long list of original successes, this new song, "DIE SLOW" was particularly well received. This year, it appears that artistry has spread over most of the current music, notably hip hop. Elements of funk and traditional heavy basslines are mixed with those of rap and modern electronica on the latest release from the new artist. Much of it has an experimental feel to it, but there's also a sense of purpose and just enough pop familiarity to allow it to expand out and connect on a larger scale. It makes use of these traits in an anthem-like manner that is both simple and powerful. In terms of the world and its current state, these two general symbioses appear to be in opposition to one another.
Young Kaso is a hardworking and fun-loving musician who writes songs about having a good time, living in the city, and partying. His tracks are groovy, with a club rhythm and a combination of tempos to get the party started. This young artist's music is quite diverse. He often uploads his work on Soundcloud. As the song "DIE SLOW" progresses, it becomes apparent that he is committed to and enthusiastic about the process. A variety of new soundscapes and stunningly relevant but artistically presented themes go hand-in-hand with a range of uniquely emotive performances – diverse vocals, silence, and volume. His voice alone has so much personality that you can know he'll be around for a long time if the songs and performances keep coming. The songs behind his hood, on the other hand, provide something clean, honest, and genuinely thoughtful - a collection of traits that are really important, and well worth clinging to once discovered. Hip hop legends such as Jay Z and Birdman have influenced his work. Follow him on Spotify, and Instagram to learn more about him.
Click here to listen to this track on SoundCloud:
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