16 Aug,2022

Top 9 Steps to Follow If You’re Wondering How to Promote Soundcloud Music

how to promote Soundcloud music

SoundCloud is one of the most influential music platforms with the largest community of users. The platform is well revered for offering adequate space, support, and opportunities for independent music artists for DIY promotional approaches. The platform also provides a handful of tools and features to enhance the process for promotion.

If you are a music artist and wondering how to promote Soundcloud music, here are 9 effective tips to follow which can offer you organic exposure, popularity, and an increased number of listeners and fanbase.

Tags and more tags

1. Tags and more tags

Tags can prove to be very helpful when it comes to SoundCloud. Tagging makes your music more discoverable on the platform whenever a listener is searching for it. The better and more relevant tags you use, the more discoverable your music can become. Every relevant tag you use makes your music easier to find. The key to finding relevant tags is honesty. Don’t just add a lot of tags just because they are trendy. Instead, use the tags that help define your music, its style, genre, location, and so on. These tags work with natural keywords, allowing listeners to find new music more conveniently.

Monetize your account

2. Monetize your account

Getting likes and comments is quite a happy moment for the music artists but it would not make any change in their career until the gain comes in sheer number. So, you need to add ‘Buy’ link to your music for the fans and other listeners who are willing to purchase your music and listen to it. Just click on the metadata and you will be able to find an option to add ‘Buy’ link. You can also add links for the donation which allows your super fans to support your music.

Utilize waveform and add comments

3. Utilize waveform and add comments

Just like YouTube, SoundCloud also allows using waveform for commenting. But it is not only about the listeners’ comments but your comment as well. You can initiate more conversation with help of waveform or even ask questions to them about particular portions of the track regarding how they feel. If you listen to your listeners and make improvements accordingly, they feel special and connected to you. As a result, you will be able to get an increasing number of followers and loyal fans.

Focus on the album art

4. Focus on the album art

A lot of music artists on SoundCloud make the same mistake of concentrating on musical content and ignoring other aspects of the profile. Just like your music, the album art and your profile picture on the platform also play a vital role in garnering attention from potential listeners. The visual impression stays longer and it is easily catchy. That is why focusing on your album art and other visual elements helps the listeners recognize you instantly. The recommended resolution for an album or track art is t least 800 x 800 pixels in any of the JPG or PNG formats.

Share private links

5. Share private links

SoundCloud offers an option to share the private links of tracks before the release takes place officially. This is one of the greatest features of the platform that helps in promotion and allows you to make last-minute changes if needed. You can send these links to professional tastemakers, blog sites, and even friends to get their opinion.

Churn out the best

6. Churn out the best

It often happens that even after your track sounds perfectly fine, it still requires more inputs. If you have not already uploaded the track that is fine but if it has surfaced already and gained some buzz from the audience, there is no need to bring it down. U can always make those little changes and come back with better quality but it will make you lose all the engagement that you gained. So, make sure to churn out the best from you before uploading it and releasing it publicly.

SoundCloud Pro

7. SoundCloud Pro

A pro subscription package on SoundCloud comes with a handful of essential tools and features which offer convenience and ease in the promotion. The best part of having a pro account is that you can always make changes or change the audio track completely without losing any comments, likes or engagement. The pro subscription can be obtained at a very nominal cost which helps all the rising independent artists on the platform.

Repost for others and yourself

8. Repost for others and yourself

Repost music of other artists whom you really like or whose work inspires you. Sharing through reposts helps other artists to gain more exposure while the audience gets to know about new music. This humble move is quite fruitful as well since when other artists repost your music, you receive the same benefits. This enables a stronger among the rising music artists on SoundCloud along with community authority. These relationships can eventually get you leads for gigs and music concerts.

Social media is the key

9. Social media is the key

Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc are the potential hubs for target audiences. Most online users are scrolling through the newsfeeds and if you get a chance to be a part of it, there is a chance to get viral. Connect these platforms to your SoundCloud profile to redirect the curious listeners directly to your music profile. Thus, you do not only gain listeners and likes but a huge among of social followers as well.

The Bottom Line

Many other ways of SoundCloud Promotion strategies can help you gain more web traffic and online engagement. But nothing beats hiring a professional agency that has ample experience and knowledge in the field. Whether you make a DIY approach or a professional one, make sure to keep up with consistency with your promotional approaches.