18 Jul,2022

Top 10 Tips on How to Get More Followers on SoundCloud

SoundCloud is one of the oldest and most popular music streaming platforms around the world. It is considered a powerhouse for budding musicians who are looking for a platform to showcase their music and reach a worldwide audience. SoundCloud has billions of users and musicians who get a chance to spread awareness about their music and artistic identity to the vast audience base.

The musicians struggling to get their desired number of plays on the platform must find a way to increase their followers. But getting the SoundCloud users to follow you is not easy at all. In order to compel them enough so they follow you, you need to reach them first. Here are some useful tips on how to get more followers on SoundCloud:

how to get more followers on SoundCloud

1. Hire a professional marketing agency

Marketing is a well-known and effective aspect of any business. If you want to be a successful musician, you need to think like a business owner and invest in the marketing aspect of your music. Many people still think that music promotion is unnecessary and talent only will bring success. But with vast competition in the contemporary music industry, it is next to impossible to reach the target audience without some type of promotional effort. Even the most successful musicians hire marketing agencies to promote their music.

      • These professional agencies have wide networks all over the world. So, they are able to spread your music on various platforms and channels.

     • They use the most effective marketing strategies and latest tools to promote your music and bring maximum online visibility and audience engagement within a very short time.

      • They have years of experience in the field so they know which marketing technique clicks with which genre. They create personalized promotional campaigns that are ideal for the specific musician and bring the best results.

     • They have a wide range of packages that musicians can choose from as per their requirements and budgets so they don’t have to spend a fortune on their music promotion.

Here are some other tips that you should also follow apart from hiring a professional music marketing company to strengthen your campaign.

2. Make quality music

SoundCloud has made uploading music on a global platform extremely easy. Most of the time people don’t even put much effort into their music production and upload tracks that are of poor quality. With so many options available, people will simply move on to a better song if they think the quality of your music is not up to the mark. So, invest in good-quality recording equipment and produce fine-quality music.

3. Satisfy your target audience

If you want more followers you simply have to give priority to what they like and want to hear from you. You can research the fans of other musicians in the same genre to understand what your target audience likes and dislikes. Of course upload the music you like but sometimes you have to give the audience what they like. Do some covers of the most popular and trendiest songs to reach the maximum number of audiences.

4. Write a neat bio

When the listeners like an artist’s music they make sure to go through their profile and read their bio. Your bio makes an impression on them. If it is neatly written and offers genuine information about you and your music in brief, the visitors will be impressed and will be interested in exploring your profile further and listening to more of your songs.

5. Add a high-quality profile picture

The profile picture on a SoundCloud profile represents the artist. It also helps the listeners to remember the particular artist better. It also allows the artists to express their individuality more accurately. Make sure to upload a high-resolution picture as a profile picture so it appears more polished and professional. You should also create original artwork for your songs so the listeners can distinguish your work from the others.

6. Write detailed descriptions for the tracks

SoundCloud offers you a chance to put short descriptions under each track. With the help of the description option, you can tell the audience the story behind your music and make it much more interesting in their eyes. You should write about interesting background information, what instruments you used, and what is special about the song in the description. Another important thing is genre tags. You should always add the right genre tags so your target audience can easily find you when they search.

7. Interact with the fans

Your existing fans play a vital role in bringing more audience. When they comment on your songs, be sure to interact with them. Thank them if they compliment your work or offer a suggestion. Answer them if they enquire about something. Reply politely even to the negative comments. It will help you form a stronger connection with your followers. If they like your work they will share them with their friends and family and bring you more loyal followers.

8. Collaborate

Collaboration works the best if you want to boost your follower count within a very short time. Find musicians who are on the same scale as you and contact them with collaboration. It can help both of you to increase plays and followers instantly.

9. SoundCloud Repost Chain

This is the fastest way to gain more followers and plays. A Repost Chain is generally a group of musicians, influencers, labels, and other music professionals. They repost each other’s music on their SoundCloud accounts and spread it as much as possible across the platform.

10. Share on social media

Social media is a powerful medium for music promotion. People spend most of their time browsing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. If you regularly share your work on these platforms, many people will come across them and the traffic will be driven towards your SoundCloud account boosting your plays and follower count.

Promoting music is a necessary step that every musician must take to bring their work to the right group of audience. You can finally acquire the attention and recognition you deserve with music promotion.