09 Apr,2024

Tips and Tricks on How to Get More Subscribers On YouTube in 2024

YouTube is the biggest video streaming platform on the internet with over 2 billion monthly active users. This platform offers a great opportunity to reach a wider audience pool. However, due to such a massive audience reach, the platform has some of the biggest competition the internet has ever seen. If you are a new YouTuber who is trying to get more recognition on the platform, or someone who has been making quality content for quite some time, yet not being able to get famous, you are in dire need of some promotional tricks.

how to get more subscribers on youtube

It must be frustrating to see how several other content creators on YouTube have more subscribers and reach than you. The answer is not always that they have better content quality, but they have cracked the code! A few tricks and tips here and there and you will also not have to worry about how to get more subscribers on youtube, you will be the one receiving it. So let’s start this journey here and see how you gain more attention on the biggest video streaming platform on the internet.

    1. Create and Publish videos more frequently

One of the oldest textbook tricks on YouTube for getting more subscribers on YouTube is being consistent with both the content quality and publishing. No doubt creating and publishing content more frequently on the platform helps you gain more subscribers and be in the spotlight. According to studies, YouTube channels that post more than once a week perform way better than those that don't. When you get a new subscriber, they get a notification in their email whenever a new video is posted on your channel. If someone gets this notification at least once a week, the chances of engaging with your channel and content increase, especially when the content is original and informative.

    2. Original, informative, and engaging content

Right after you get to know how important publishing more frequently on the channel is, let's come to the second point, publishing quality content. If you want people to watch your video, you must make it informative and engaging. Here are some ways how you can do that -

    • Try to build your content around one specific audience. This is how you know who your target audience is, and you will be able to create original content for them. 

    • Make sure to have a video script ready ahead of time so that while making the video, you can get all the relevant points covered. This is also a great trick to not flood the viewers with unnecessary information. 

    • Add visuals to your video content to make it more attractive. 

    • Make sure to always start your video with an interesting hook so that people will continue to watch the video till the end. 

    • Viewers like when you use a good example once in a while so make sure to include that in your script. 

    • Make sure every content that you produce is original. If you use someone else’s content or even copy the idea blatantly, you will end up alienating your viewers.

    3. Optimizing videos

YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the internet and optimizing your videos makes it rank higher on the platform. This increases the visibility of your channel and videos instantly and the more people come across your video, the higher the chances are that they will interact. To make sure that your videos are reaching the right audience, you need to start optimizing video elements such as titles, descriptions, etc. The video title is the first thing that a viewer will see about your video, so make it attractive and put a relevant and trending keyword in there. The next step is about the description where you need to put keywords, timestamps, and links to optimize it to its maximum. You can also use video tags that help others to find your content on the platform. Some other ways you can optimize your video is by uploading a captivating thumbnail and using a transcript.

Other than these tricks, make sure your video is of high quality, and you have a subscriber watermark in your video which is a great way to remind your audience to subscribe to your channel. You can also optimize your YouTube channel by creating a trailer, designing an attractive look for your channel, and including playlists and sections on the homepage.