Are you looking for a track that will put you completely out of your mind? Well, you can definitely find a blended taste of craziness and creativity with Marianne Toilet’s latest single. The song is called ‘A Family Affair’ and just like its name suggests, the song speaks about a dirty affair that is taking place in the family on Christmas Day. While there are plenty of funny twists with sexual references and explicit lyricism; the song is also highly enjoyable and funny at the same time. While the musical arrangement brings the original taste of punk rock music; the lyrical approach offers captivating story-telling of a family affair. With high-octane sound design and chaos in the vocal approach, the song feels like a bundle of unbridled energy that can channel through listeners.
Marianne Toiletis best known for their ‘over-the-top’ music projects which often consist of a humorous theme and lyricism. The latest track ‘A Family Affair’ appears in a recently release album called ‘All Clowns Are Beautiful’ which offers a sum of seventeen punk tracks like ‘See You Next Tuesday’, ‘Drew Was Dumb’, ‘Consent’, ’62 Miles’, etc to name some. Their EP project ‘Eargasms for Your Genitals’ and album project ‘Dick Jokes are for Kids!’ shows that they are in fear of none. Expanding the boundaries of creativity, the band wishes to offer more tracks in the coming days. Follow the band on YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Music, and the Official website. They are also active on Facebook, Instagram and X.
Visit here to watch this music video 'A Family Affair' on Youtube:
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