The impressive vibes of R&B by the uber-cool Bey Bright has soared up the mercury level. He has shone brilliantly with his stupendous tracks ‘Body Can’t Lie’, ‘Love Zone’, ‘Don’t Stop’ featuring Ezinne and ‘Vibe’. The very popular New York r&b singer Bey Bright has created a lot of fan frenzy with his eclectic vibes. He is also the owner of the futuristic production house called ‘Bright Vision Entertainment’ that has avant-garde facilities. The talented artist is also a music executive who is also known for his production and songwriting skills. The soulful vibes in his tracks are a stylish blend of Soul Nostalgia and contemporary R&B. The fans can visit his Facebook profile and catch up with the latest development by glancing through his shared posts. The audiences can plug into his Instagram handle and fetch more information about his lined up projects.
The fresh vocals by Bey Bright in his track ‘Body Can’t Lie’ are very captivating. In the number ‘Love Zone’ there is nostalgic energy. The cracking vibes and melody in the tracks ‘Don’t Stop’ and ‘Vibe’ has struck an instant chord with the audiences. He is very much inspired by Teddy Riley, Dr. Dre, and Quincy Jones and has already released his EP titled ‘Soul Nostalgia 3’ on 8th January this year. The fans can also engage in an informal conversation with the artist by logging on to his Twitter handle. The audiences are glued to the music streaming site SoundCloud and listen to his cracking tracks.
For more tracks, visit the given SoundCloud link :