The musical duo from London M2K entertainment offers a unique new-age resonance through their gender-bending soundscape. Consisting of Kenrick (MK the Entertainer), and Ryan (Dj Gigz the Entertainment BOSS), the group has recently made a sensational comeback with their most recent mix series ‘HITZ TAPE FREE (3) # M2K21’. The mix series features quite a number of exceptional melodies blending genres like hip hop, R&B, dancehall, reggae, reggaeton, pop, and many more. The diversified rhythmic collection creates an oscillation of different rhythmic elements creating an ambiance of pure acoustic satisfaction. Some songs have smooth rhythmic flow intermingled with soulful singing. Some have hard-hitting beats incorporated with groovy rhyming. The mix series have songs for your every mood. The brilliant weaving of lyrics and melodies sets them apart from the crowd.
Both raised in the Caribbean island of Jamaica, the prolific musicians have developed a keen likeness to everything music from a very young age. With their shared influences of Reggae artists like Bob Marley, the Wailers, Gregory Isaacs, Dennis Brown, Bounty Killa, and Beenie, M2K entertainment infuses Reggae elements with hip hop and R&B resonance. They are inspired by DJs such as DJ Puffy, Carl Cox, DJ TLM, Laidback Luke, DJ Blighty, Robbo Ranks, Seani B, and more to mix different rhythmic elements in their music. Their latest mix series, ‘HITZ TAPE FREE (3) # M2K21’ features a non-stop series of tantalizing multi-genre masterpieces. Follow them on SoundCloud, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to know more about their upcoming works.
Check out to listen this song 'HITZ TAPE FREE (3) # M2K21' by M2K entertainment :