Born from the blissful melodies of blues and soul, the genre of R&B has branched out to many directions acquiring distinctive rhythmic qualities along the way. The lush and modern form of the genre is reflected in the appealing arts of the talented musician TayBands00 exuding the true drive of jump blues incorporated with breathtaking instrumentation in his latest music video ‘What You Ready For’. The syncopated chord arrangement of the song metamorphosed into a refreshingly therapeutic and sonically rejuvenating melodic cadence gliding side by side with the vibrant harmonic flow. The smooth vocal interplay encapsulates the blissful essence of the song engulfing the mind of the audience. Walking down the musical path for years, the gifted South Bronx R&B artist explores through diverse rhythmically opulent genres gathering elements to achieve the true form of perfection.
Concentrated on creating an inimitable sound that establishes a perfect balance between the contemporary resonating cadence and the vintage charm of blues, TayBands00 possesses the best of both worlds in his idyllic soundtrack ‘What You Ready For. The song is the flag bearer of the new wave musicality with dominating features like syncopated rhythms, raw vocals, and heart-rending lyrical illustration. Armed with his unparalleled storytelling attributes, the 23-year-old singer flaunts his wondrous diction through picturesque coherent libretto laden with clever yet compelling symbolism. His remarkable artistic endeavors have earned him global recognition and popularity with him being featured on renowned magazines like XXL Magazine and Video City Interview. Join him in his incredible thematic journey and follow him on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook for more soulful collections.