27 Feb,2018

'Spider Webb' is a Exotic Rap Track Released By SkreetBossRecordsllc

'Spider Webb' is a Exotic Rap Track Released By SkreetBossRecordsllc

Life isn’t smooth sailing always. Especially for all who are a part of the music industry. With changing trends and the entry of new artists, there will be competition and struggle that may not always be in favor. Under such circumstance, believing in self and the tenacity to explore other ways must always be the thirst of an artist.

In this respect, one versatile artists Yung Cakes owner of Money Flow Entertainment needs special attention. This artist has been featured on different tracks of Gucci Man, Rollin Weight, Blood Row and other such trending artist. He has been a leading name till 2013 but dew to some life issues he has been away from the glitz and glamour of the hip hop music scene. After a gap, Yung Cakes is back with a band and this time its way more happening and energetic. He has signed with the great label SkreetBossRecordsllc and has released the new single “Spider Webb”. In this track Yung Cakes has teamed up with another amazing artist Snootie Wild and producer Dub Magic Roe.

SkreetBossRecordsllc is a label specializing in distribution, management and publishing. Yung Cakes has partnered with the label with a aim to take his music to the next level. Although Cakes have numerous unofficially released tracks, the track “Spider Webb” is his first official attempt. The track reveals the cutting-edge rapping and music scene of Yung Cakes. The track also highlights on artist Snootie Wild’s amazing mastery on the hip hop music genre. The track “Spider web” is crafted by blending all the essential elements of new wave hip hop and rap track. Be it the rapping style or the music score, the tracks needs deserves to be ranked on the top. Yung Cakes is working on more projects soon to be released under SkreetBossRecordsllc soon going to be available on SoundCloud.

Visit here to check out this song of SkreetBossRecordsllc: