Butch Robins is one of the critically acclaimed musicians, recording artist, instructor and lecturer. He is described as a musical renegade non-conformist. His career is covered many diverse bases and each is attacked with a remarkable intensity which has yielded not only great music but also many acute observations about music. He established himself as an instrumental innovator and explorer. There is a clear contrast between the high energy in the introduction part and reverb-soaked a moment which works beautifully. His songs feel immediately organic and there is also certain warmth to the chord progressions and also to the meeting between the strings and the distortion. You can listen to his songs simply by visiting Soundcloud.
The hook melody in upcoming artist from United States Butch Robins’s track ‘Crying Holy Unto My Lord’ brings familiar bounce and groove which draws the attention of the wider listeners. His songs feel like a hit from the offset soaking the listeners in optimism with an upbeat but natural and organic Soundscape. Some of his other songs are ‘Owed To A Hypocrite’, ‘River Of Death’, ‘Lord Lead Me On’, ‘Hide Me Rock Of Ages’ and many others. The lyrics hold the attention of the listeners tightly with short lines. The increasing pace and intensity is a running throughout the song. The musicianship in the track is incredibly impressive and somewhat subtle. To get more updates about his upcoming music then follow him Facebook and Twitter.
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