04 May,2021

Q Sav in His New Single ‘Q Sav No Hesi’ Sets A New Target for the Others to Achieve In Hip-Hop

Q Sav

Taking a complete 360-degree turn from the usual and monotonous style, New York rapper Q Sav distinguishes his name from all by injecting new flavors and sounds in the hip-hop territory. The rising rapper is a worthy addition to the genre and has already showcased the strong rap strengths that make him a successful addition to the hit list. The genuinely talented rapper has received a lot of appreciation for his flawless storytelling approach that sounds almost breathless and breaks through the monotony with utmost speed and perfection. Spotting refreshing styles and beats in the hip-hop landscape are particularly rare, but the 22-year talent has eloped all boundaries with his keen performance skill. Planning to introduce variation in the scene, the artist stands out with his new single ‘Q Sav No Hesi’ that is sure to elevate his name to a higher level. With an infectious speed and razor-sharp fluidity in his rap delivery, the artist performs with great style and remains heavily focused on executing the lyrics with crispness. Irrespective of his catchy momentum, the rapper’s ability to add lyrical diversity and delivering it with impressive sound arrangement makes him an interesting performer.

Impressive in character and backed up by a strong rhyme scheme, Q Sav’s new single ‘Q Sav No Hesi has everything mixed in perfect proportions to make his entry into the mainstream genre effortless. The artist possesses natural tools to polish his musicality and is marching impressively towards building a successful career. He is genuinely rooted to offer classic hip-hop moments to the listener with his fast-paced sound design. The way the rapper highlights his exclusive qualities and allows the audience to resonate with his work, only proves that he has sown a creatively fulfilling future for himself in the future. Listen to his catchy and upbeat productions on Soundcloud and follow him on Instagram for more details on his upcoming projects.

Visit to listen to this song ‘Q Sav No Hesi’ by Q Sav:https://soundcloud.com/qsavage22/q-sav-no-hesi