The director of Soul 100 Television and motivator, Philip Noel is not only preaching for peace through psalms but also with a beautiful reggae melody in the music video ‘Walking In My Blessing’. The music video was released in 2016 but its truly compassionate nature of reggae symphonies appeals to the mass in the distress situation where people are dying due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus to remind the sun will shine again under the blessing of God almighty. The U K gospel singer makes this video to outreach the believers of Jesus and spread the rainbow-colored happiness with the positive words and his dulcet voice. The truth-seeker tells the viewers to keep up the faith in the prayers that can put an end to the sufferings of the millions soon.
Philip Noel has always been a passionate singer and psalmist who has always found a way to help the people with the hope and courage they need to defeat the inner demons. ‘Walking In My Blessing’ is a typical gospel track with a cherishing video that preaches the source of happiness and safety is in the light of faith in divinity. He started his musical career with a gospel band named K5 and joined another band Revelation 22 where he sang the chorus with his siblings. He succeeded to build Soul 100 Television in 2002 that opened a new door for the musical concerts in the UK and Europe. He has saved many souls from utter destruction and make the world understand that the life given by God is precious and beautiful. This is similar chaos, near to destruction where the whole world is succumbing to the terror and the faith seems to shatter like the house of cards. All he tries to send through the music video is unconditional love and the blessing of God the can save the faith the world needs right now. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin for the latest updates.