06 Aug,2019

Pave Your Way for the Breathtaking Hip-hop Songs by The California Musician Catharsis

Pave Your Way for the Breathtaking Hip-hop Songs by The California Musician Catharsis

Catharsis, the musician from Santa Cruz, California is slowly but surely becoming a force to reckon with in the genre of rap, hip hop and R&B. The singer from Mattison lane is roaring with confidence when he proclaims that it is just the beginning of a long musical journey. As a true musician, he abstains from talking about himself and he wants his music to do all the talking that it needs. You can connect with the singer through Twitter and share a friendly banter with him. You could also listen to his songs by plugging into soundcloud. The tracks that has come out have an unique ambience and has an expeditious nature of flow which makes the songs quite expressive and the funk is ubiquitous.

Off late, Catharsis, the musician have dished out songs like 'Fallow Me', 'Homewrecker pre-mix/master distract', and 'XXX-This Inspires Me' which are creating quite a ripple in the music charts. The songs generally have a spacious opening upfront, with a tinge of retro rhythms and the vocal is pretty much full of soul. The electronic tunes in the songs go hand in hand with the organic soundscape and create a vocal in totality which has got the depths of human. A momentum is gathered in the soundscape which encapsulates the beats and trips down the varied layers of the moments that are created in the song. The vibrancy in the songs creates a chaotic aura which has been beautifully scripted and laid down melodiously.


To listen the other songs of Catharsis, visit the given link:
