16 Nov,2017

Music Nerds Groove WITH THE Stunning Tracks OF Beatsbycasper

Music Nerds Groove WITH THE Stunning Tracks OF Beatsbycasper

Hip hop and rap music started as a favorite pastime for the then Afro-Americans. The art form actually aimed to deliver messages regarding the tuff lifestyle faced by the Black residents in The States. In these respect, rapping or rap culture was the most significant tool for the lyrics written were fun yet highlighted brutal realities. Gradually the art form started to spread its vibe like wild fire and today hip hop and rap is listed amongst the top-notch world music genres. 

Hip hop music today has no discrimination and is indeed the favorite genre of youth irrespective of race and color. Soundcloud site is one such gala where the widespread popularity of this vibrant genre can be witnessed at its best. It has changed the fate of many rising artists who have right away made it from the streets to the grand stages. One young artists who success can be predicted is Caleb Register aka BeatsByCasper from Thomaston, United States. 

What makes Casper different from other rappers is his exceptional talent to deliver the rap stories in a melodious tone. The rap narratives are very well written and his tracks have incredible instrumental score like the latest “Beat 125 (Scarface)”. Another single “Way Up” reveals his capability to modulate his voice from high to low pitch and vice versa. The track has a soothing piano melody at the backdrop that adds to the appeal of the track. 

BeatsByCasper proves his excellence in R&B music genre in the track “Beat 160-21 Savage Type (Free Beat)”. The tracks like “Good Time” and ”Beat 162” have also been appreciated by global fans. The track “nowadays” is another incredible track where Casper teams up with Young Carter. Stay tuned to the music gallery of BeatsByCasper for his upcoming music pieces on SoundCloud site.

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