A new hip-hopper rises from the ground and in no time he might become the legend everyone follows. Alaska rapper matthiace is making news with his latest hip hop release ‘Problems’ on Soundcloud. He dropped a list of hip hop singles recently and ‘Problems’ seems to be the most heard song among all. matthiace proved to be a steadfast and flamboyant rapper that finally came into the light with a wave of freshness.
He has been practicing music since he was young and all the raps he sings have a back story directly related to his personal experience and hassles. He is moving towards professionalism from being an amateur rapper engulfed with years of practice and experience. He self wrote the songs and gave them the shape of striking hip hop songs that are produced by the production house of Martin.
He makes music with a humble attitude and pours his deepest emotions in those tracks to get the best of him. ‘Problems’ is one of the best compositions he created with the best and mature lyrics that act like a mirror to reflect his inner chaos and hustle of life to make his dreams come true. The words with a positive tone rhymed alongside with the right cadence, matthiace took his rap to the next level in ‘Problems’. For him, the struggle is real and it is the only way he can flourish in his life. He even made a video on his youtube channel ‘Date week three freestyle ALL the way from alaska’.
Please click here to listen the track: