Rising star Kilfur Fun hits back with a new sensational album ‘The Devil Can’t Win’ which is causing as lot of excitement and frenzy among the music fans. This artist who is also known as Anthony Hill from Lancaster, United States aims to bring more emotion and life into his music. His music originates from the genuine love and affection he feels for all people. He mainly prefers to work with hip hop and rap music. He seeks to produce music which is relatable and will reach out to all his fans.
Kilfur Fun features an amazing album ‘The Devil Can’t Win’ which is a collection of some unforgettable hip hop and rap tracks. The haunting soundscape and the hypnotic ambience create a surrealistic and disjointed atmosphere. The character, organic sounds and individuality in the lyricism and vocal performance are what make hid music stand out in the crowd. The noteworthy overall performance and the prefect handling of the art of story-telling will immediately get you addicted. The tracks like ‘The Devil Can’t Win’, ‘Lost Thought’ and ‘Only Human’ will draw your focus towards the story-line and the main subject matter which will offer a very unforgettable and engaging music experience.
Click The Kilfur Fun's Soundcloud Link : https://soundcloud.com/kilfurfun/sets/the-devil-cant-win