30 Jun,2020

Independent Hip Hop Artist Masta Q is Redefining Contemporary Hip Hop Strains in his Music Video ‘Prosperous’

Masta Q

The captivating essence of modern-day hip-hop and rap are now being put together in a hybrid soundscape consisting of trap and R&B characteristics by upcoming artist Masta QWith a knack for music since a very early age, he is now presenting his unique musical coordinates and proportions in the fascinating structures of his songs. He recently came out with the music video, ‘Prosperous’, a creative and thematic symbiosis that stands as a personal tribute to his own self. The song is a motivational piece in a quest for a worthy, happy, and prosperous life, a distinctive similarity across all of humankind. As a result of this thematic relatability, the song reached out to the audience faster and laid the ground for a contemporary hip-hop revival.

Riquan Murray, the upcoming American artist from Deltona Masta Q, Florida has utilized the experiences, learning, and wisdom from his time with the U.S. Army in his creative perspectives. The theme of the song ‘Prosperous’ is beautifully made out of the elements of contemporary hip-hop and the artist’s own unique and authentic interpretations. He has often used trap and R&B components in his other songs like ‘Dark Nights’, ‘Keys’, ‘Monster Or Goblin', and ‘Persistence’ making his collective soundscape stand out in creative originality. Although currently independent, Masta Q has imbibed the rapid cultural change in the scope of hip-hop and his music too goes through the transience of various styles and creative structures. If you are looking to expand your musical awareness in hip-hop, follow him on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Apple Music and Spotify right away.

To watching this music video click the given below link : 

Prosperous : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neXRb7WiYQM