20 Jun,2017

IGOTTHAJOOS – A Rare Combination of Hip Hop And Rap

IGOTTHAJOOS – A Rare Combination of Hip Hop And Rap

Hip Hop and Rap is a kind of music genre which comes with lots of different shades and verities. Artists from all over the world have their own style of creating songs and so as the fans are also keep on changing their tastes with time. It is not literally wrong to say that hip hop and rap has diversified dimensions and an ever-changing nature. If we look at the recent times, Joos Whorenandez has totally changed the whole scenario with his music- IGOTTHAJOOS. Joos has made his identity by defining the rap music in his own unique as well as attractive ways. The basic ingredients of his music are his young, energetic voice, excellent lyrics and erudite lyrics. Hence, in spite of being new to this industry, his songs are one of the top priorities of the rap music enthusiasts. 

 Joos Whorenandez has established his position among the top artists of SoundCloud by composing some extra ordinarily good music tracks like ‘Lay It Low’, ‘No visitation’, ‘ Friends’, ‘Way to The Top’, etc. and many more. If you are into hip hop and want to experience some unconventional tracks, you must listen to Joos on SoundCloud. His music tracks, evidently speaks about his raw talent of rapping and shows perfect mixture of music and rap. 

Joos is primarily involved in hip hop and rap in most of the times. He has undoubtedly high level of cultivated knowledge and depth in this particular music. Apart from this, he also composes some rhythm and blues, pops and other sub genre of western music. These are definitely some less ordinary creations and they are getting superb response from the listener’s end. All of his music is decorated with proficient mixture of electronic music instruments and great ear pleasing voice of the young rap star. 

To listen this track, please visit the following link: 
