27 Sep,2024

How a Full-time Music Artist Spends a Day?

How a Full-time Music Artist Spends a Day?

Music artists in modern days have to take care of a lot of aspects and it does not end with just making music. If you ask any full-time artist about a single day of their life, it will surely sound quite busy and overwhelming. It is especially critical for emerging music artists who have not established a successful music career yet. While their days keep changing with a handful of activities, there is a ton to do every day. Time plays a valuable role here as time is money in this competitive digital landscape. If you are able to create something unique new at regular intervals and with consistency; establishing a successful music career becomes easier than ever.

Every music artist has a to-do list for their everyday schedule and it can make emergency changes based on the needs of the artist. While they have various schedules for their music creation, all kinds of schedules can be categorized into three main options.

    • The On-Tour Schedule – This schedule is applicable for the artists who already have or looking forward to embarking on a music tour recently. On tour, schedules are more compact and offer very little room for rest. While all the dates can be scheduled in different cities and venues, the artist needs to make sure to follow the same set with unique elements. Though there are gaps between the dates; it is the bare minimum considering the enthralling performances offered by the music artists.

    • The Administrative Schedule – This is an important schedule based on which each day passes in a music artist’s life. Other than making music, the artists are also required to promote their music, engage in social media, make promotional appearances, and many other jobs that help them to stand out in the competitive music industry.

    • The Album-recording Schedule – It is also an important type of schedule that is specially designed to follow at the time of music making and focusing on upcoming music projects. Music artists are more likely to invest most of their time in making music as that is the passion they are trying to cultivate through their careers. Usually, an album consists of multiple tracks (more than an EP) and takes a long time to prepare each single. There should be a proper Album-recording Schedule which helps them proceed with a guarantee of finishing within deadline.

A Day in a Full-time Music Artist’s Life

An administrative week is always filled with a handful of activities and there is always something to do. But when you have a proper schedule for the activities and their serial order, it gets easier to multitask and better results within a short span of time.

    • Social Media Buzz

Social media platforms stay at the top of the list as it is one of the best and most effective ways to connect and engage your audiences. Most online users stay active on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X, and utilizing them for engagement can offer fruitful results. After starting the day in the morning; an artist must think how they can engage the audience today! A humungous audience and fan base does not happen overnight but it requires consistent approaches. Social media platforms are great mediums for sharing news and the latest updates which engage the audience further. Once you start posting in the morning, you will have a better idea of what is the best time for engagement.

    • Email Marketing 

Well, being a professional and full-time music artist is no less than a desk job where you have to sit behind the computer for long hours. A professional music artist can spend around 5-6 hours a day checking emails and sending new pitches. While a lot of music artists might think that email marketing is backdated; it still rules the market and offers beneficial opportunities to connect with others whether an investor or a different music artist for collaboration. Email can offer valuable insights to utilize in the promotion. Whether is sending information for your next big gig or sending private links to fans for pre-save; email is considered to be the most authentic and official medium of reliable information.

    • Listening to Music and Research 

In order to be a successful music artist, you need to know what your peers are doing and research is important for that. Check out the latest tracks and emerging artists in the industry along with their creative works. Listening to music on a daily basis can nourish your knowledge and offer a better idea of the current music trends and how to become a hit. Research can help to analyze each step while finding more room for improvisation.

    • Artwork and Website Maintenance 

Although, it is all about music; it requires ample visual elements to attract more listeners in the coming days. Visual elements like album cover art, single art, profile pictures, and other elements help pique interest among listeners within the shortest possible duration. Therefore, keeping an eye on the work is also a part of the daily task. Similarly, you need to maintain the music website that you created to showcase your music. You need to make sure your website is accessible and working properly which offers easy access to the listeners. It is recommended to hire professional developers for web maintenance as they are more experienced and knowledgeable in the field.

    • Make Sure to Go Out 

While music artists can spend a lot of time in their studios, it is also important to go out and enjoy the slice of life to find more inspiration. Do not make sure your musical career is soul-sucking and too overwhelming and also give yourself pockets of fresh air and happiness which will reflect positively in your music. Always find some new environment to blend into.

Concluding Thoughts

Being a full-time professional music artist takes a lot of effort and consistency which helps to gain success. You can also get professional help from professional agencies to get effective results.