Oshie Helms is one such artist whose music will bring you on your knees if not reduce you to tears. When it comes to music he has been inspired by artists who are into the genre of R&B and soul. His debut song ‘Feelings’ is a soulful track but at the same time has an energising presence imbibed into it. It is the kind of song that will motivate you into moving forward. Artist like Frank Ocean inspires him into putting his best into his music and to an extent is the reason for enthusiasm in music. Making full use of his production house Kids From The Underground, he comes up with captivating tracks like ‘Feelings’. Being from Canada he wants to let the world know of his presence through his music.
His creation ‘Feelings’ brings a fresh vibe along with it. His debut song is packed with minimalistic lyrics, simultaneously offering the listeners a place to escape into with its music. Oshie Helms features another artist Samaether in this song. Both of them together with its musicality and lyricism have bought it live. This song was meant to create a relaxing vibe for people to relax with their loved ones and friends. Based on R&B and soul the track is categorised with soulful melody, intense lyricism and peaceful soundscape. You can connect with Oshie Helms on Instagram.
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