20 Aug,2024

Hail to the Queensland DJ, Christian Krauter for His Outstanding New Hits

Even though the Electronic Dance Music genre is comparatively a newly discovered style of music but many have already made a significant impact on the music industry through this genre and Christian Krauter is definitely one of the few. The Queensland DJ has gifted the world with his commendable music production in the form of back-to-back hit tracks and this time it is no different. Two newly released tracks called Yeah Boy and d-o-y-o-u within a few hours of their release have already made people turn their heads and break out into dance moves on the floor. These tracks are a testament to the prolific artist’s wide range of knowledge and passion for the art form.

In recent times, every EDM enthusiast or anybody who likes to break the dance floor with their moves has heard about the outstanding and mega-talented Queensland DJ. To make his stature even more permanent than ever in the scene of music, Christian Krauter has come out with two new hits, the first one of which is ‘Yeah Boy’. This track is a burst of energy dose that is filled with energetic rhythm and high-paced beats that is bound to take the listener on a musical journey where they will loose themselves while dancing the night away. The second track ‘d-o-y-o-u’ has a different flair to it. The track is a harmonious yet melancholic mixture that is sprinkled with a pot of honey vox. The sound is uplifting and thorny, accompanied by bass, saw-tooth waveform, and mesmerizing electro patches.

These tracks along with his previously released ones have gained him worldwide recognition and love. There seems to be no stopping sign for this profound artist as he continues to drop bombs on the dance floor again and again. The artist suggests his fans to check out all of his tracks which are streaming on major music streaming platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud, and Apple Music, and his social media profiles on his website, Instagram, Facebook, X, and YouTube to get the latest updates about him and his upcoming works. 

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