04 Jul,2017

Get charmed by the Song “Therapy pt.2” by B Williams on SoundCloud

Get charmed by the Song “Therapy pt.2” by B Williams on SoundCloud

Are you going through a rough phase and want some feel good moment, visit SoundCloud for the thriving artist’s song “Therapy pt.2”. The song’s tune is just mind blowing for the synthesizing effectiveness. The song is layered in a different way. Firstly it pitches from low note to high note and the form is repeated again. The synthesizer goes on at the background which heightens the quality of the music. It has a buttery flow that will keep you captivated throughout the song. 

 Hip hop music was particularly made for the dancer’s to move their body which is known as hip hop dance which has the feet tapping effectiveness. So to match with the dance they have given a peculiar rapping element and sometimes they also makes the noise through mouth which is also known as beat boxing. The rapping part is incorporated in their sampling or sequencing part to give the oomph factor. B Williams has used this technique in his song and has become a famous person by now. 

 The song is produced by Accent Beats and the artist belongs from Rochester. He has grabbed many followers because of his electrifying kind of beats that will clear your mind. His music is great treat for your ear as it will inspire you. You will love to listen the music because it is really mind boggling. The use of the synthesizer at the beginning and then the tuning is awesomely blended which will instantly take you to the world of wonder. The song will revitalize your mind. Beside this song, he has another song which you will love to listen. His song is lively and you can feel his music. His hard work can be seen in his work and he has reached the zenith of success. It is “Therapy" which you will get on your favorite site SoundCloud. 

 To listen this track, please click the following link: 
