The renowned Gannon Hall, who is known for being the member of the famous rock band Mordred, has launched some of his singles for the audience establishing himself as an independent artist. He is not only an artist but also possess the multiple skill set of a technologist, a composer and producer simultaneously.
His new releases ‘Drive’, ‘Everything is Dust’, ‘Night in the city’ and ‘Airport’ have got a touch of his own musical talents. Each of the tracks has a story to tell. Gannon has shared the stage with talents like Greg Allman, John Zorn, Larry Ochs and many other artists. He owns his own production houses tilted as Blackstar Records.
Each of his song ‘Drive’, ‘Everything is Dust’, ‘Night in the city’ and ‘Airport’ based on the genre of pop has modern elements imbibed into it. The right kind of balance between professionalism, creativity and melody makes them the songs of this season. ‘Drive’ and ‘Night in the city’ are characterised with male voices while ‘Everything is Dust’ and ‘Airport’ is given a feminine touch. Only a talented artist like Gannon would know the kind of lyricism that would make any listener a loyal fan of his. The tracks bring together the beats of the pop genre blending it with the soulfulness of R&B. You can connect with Gannon Hall through his Facebook, Instagram and Soundcloud account.
Listen the songs of Gannon Hall:
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