A-Blandz’s songs mainly belong to Hip-Hop, Trap and Rap genre. He is from Aberdeen, United States and a very dedicated artist. He always tries to produce music which is unique. Trap artist in Aberdeen, A-Blandz has just dropped his new track ‘Right Away’ which is produced by DJBERK_. Trap is a type of Southern Hip-Hop which was developed in the late 1990s. Later, it was crossbred with dubstep to create trap EDM. It generally consists of bleak atmosphere and lyrical content. Typical instruments used are sampler, drum machine, synthesizer.
In this song ‘Right away’, the artist’s vocal performance is bold and he is very passionate about creating his own music. Instrumentally, the piece is superb. The song is executed so nicely that you can’t stop without listening to it several times. From the midway, the tune gets a bit soft and low and after that, it catches the high beats which lure the attention of more people. If you like this song ‘Right Away’ then listen to his other hits on SoundCloud. His track ‘Sheesh Freestyle’ has uplifting beats and belongs to Hip-Hop and Rap genre. To know about his latest events and releases visit his social media profile like Instagram.