05 Mar,2018

'Drug Lords' by E-Sounds Creates a Buzz in the Music Industry

'Drug Lords' by E-Sounds Creates a Buzz in the Music Industry

E-sounds features his latest song Drug Lords online as well as in the music industry. This exceptional song is getting quite a lot of attention due to their exclusiveness and singularity. This music artist from Gadsden, United States, mainly likes to work with hip hop and rap music genre. He has displayed considerable skill in bringing together two different music genres. His music is a testament to ambition, professionalism, artistic and creative vision. He has given a new meaning to the hip hop and rap music genre. Clear cut production and fresh new style is E-sounds is all about.

The opening segment of E-sounds’s brand new music “Drug Lords” is hefty, dark and powerful which leads directly to the thought or concept which was behind the creation of the music. This track is constructed with unique beats, riffs and hooks which offers a haunting ambiance. The total vibe that is created is intense and dark. In spite of all the seriousness, it delivers a vigorous and groovy atmosphere which gets you in the party mood. It keeps the underlying emotions and sentiments intact.

The hooks and snares pull the listener right into the centre of the song and holds you there. The lyricism presented in the song is compelling and thought-provoking. It depicts the hardships and personal experiences of the artist’s life. The amazingly creative musicality and the noteworthy art of storytelling captivate the audience and take things in a new and interesting direction. The instrumentation is mesmerizing and overwhelming and gets you in the party mood. 

E-sounds’s song “Drug Lords” is well produced, completely detailed and well-structured which creates an amazing music experience. It instantly connects with the listeners; gets you hooked and make you come back for more. Follow him on SoundCloud for his latest music tracks and album releases.

Visit here to check out this song of E-Sounds : https://soundcloud.com/e-lumni/drug-lords