Rapping is an inseparable part of hip hop genre. The young generation is much keener towards this genre. Along with the socio-political hip hop movement in the late ’70s, world witnessed the upsurge of rap. The diverse quality that makes rap incredible is that besides being a serious genre, it also portrays a unique style to follow. These qualities of the genre make the rappers astounding also. Conscious Rap is one of those stylish astonishing rapper. He has been rapping since his childhood and he has become professional in this for quite some years now. His new album “AUDIOART” is now out on Soundcloud. Log in to his profile to listen to this album.
Conscious Rap started studying rap when he was just 8. After struggling a lot for years and years, he succeeded in opening his own entertainment company – Jump Out The Frame aka JOTF Records. Conscious Rap maintained releasing his original tracks throughout the years. “AUDIOART” is also one of his original albums comprising of 10 awesome rapping tracks. Along with entertaining the audience, the songs of his album are consciously rapped as well, that is, he not only amuses people with his raps but also inspires them. He focuses on creating awareness and imparting knowledge. Every track of “AUDIOART” starting from “Riding with G’s”, “Blue Flames” to “Let Me Breathe” and “Stranger Things” disseminates social message. In all of these songs, Conscious Rap has done both singing and rapping. Soundcloud has this album uploaded on his profile to motivate you towards life and societal values.
The music of Conscious Rap touches the soul and kisses the ear. He is passionate about his music and he is passionate of taking care of his passion. Music is his life since his early age. This rap singer has his originals uploaded on Soundcloud along with “AUDIOART” – listen to them today.
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