Hip hop is considered to be one of the most novel musical genres with diversity put into it. The break beats of this genre make it different from others. This genre has always been focusing on the reality of the society, on showcasing the truth in front of the world. The rappers are, ever since, creating hip hop music in order to either mould or convey their inner thoughts to the listeners. DC is another young rapper who is getting immense success in the musical for his meaningful creations. One of his overwhelming album creations is “Gilligan’s Island” which has got enormous acceptance from the world of music. You can listen to this album anytime by logging into DC’s Soundcloud profile.
All the 13 tracks of “Gilligan’s Island” are marvelous creations of DC. You won’t be able to count the time while listen to the mind boggling tracks. This album is about life, is about hope and love. Each song of this album is ready to shed positive vibes into your life. “Gilligan’s Album” begins with some organic instrumentation and peaceful musicality in “The Entrance”. With a delicate, soft feel with the acoustic sound, this song brings in faith in your life. “Underwater” will readily drag you to a trip of another universe where you will be showered in musicality. “Savior” has given uniqueness to the album with the attractive voices. “Life After Death” is a song of hope where it talks about the light after darkness. This album can be your best companion to recover the depression.
“Gilligan’s Island” deals with both the happiness and the sadness present in a human life. It talks about the recovery from depressions; it talks about love, hope and belief. DC has tremendously succeeded in making a buzz around with this album. Bring some peace to your life with hip hop tracks by DC on Soundcloud.
For more tracks of DC, please go through the given link: