Rising singer H O L L Y W O O D is offering beautifully produced tracks that bring together an amazing backdrop with’s captivating vocals. The impressive vocal floats through the layers of the tracks, with intensity yet mildness, the whole thing is charming amidst the musical backdrop of this generation. The tracks kick into gear with light tempo yet a fast-paced soundscape that builds a hip-hop-like mood. The tracks ‘Support’ and ‘High’ offer references that is well-rooted in modern day's stylish hip hop. Instantly you connect to the singer and there is a presence of honesty in the production of the brilliant lyricism. The Abbeville hiphop artist is a talent worth knowing about.
The tracks grow through a subtle personality and elements of confidence and appreciation. The opening moments are filled with instrumental brilliance that holds your attention from the very offset. Then the artist's voice emerges along with the rhythmic musicality. An exciting start and the tracks continue to grow in an unexpected manner. With each passing beat, the tracks ‘Support’ and ‘High’ completely envelop you. The tracks hit with a classy impact but not at the cost of losing the stylish voice of the artist. You can tune in to SoundCloud and listen to his awesome tracks. Also, you can follow him on Facebook for more updates.
To check out the songs of H O L L Y W O O D, visit the given link: