28 Jan,2017

New Single “Too much” by J-Cal is Gaining Mind Blowing Responses

New Single “Too much” by J-Cal is Gaining Mind Blowing Responses

freePRnow.com, 1/27/2017 - J-cal is creating it huge with all new rap songs. His new released hip hop track is already gaining wide range of play count. The song is produced by Mwangi. Harmonious vocalization and snap beats has included a new flavor. The complete song is introducing various musical instruments. J-Cal is ready to jump into the hip hop game as a mature and professional singer. His natural swagger, passion and charisma draw attention of other listeners in soundcloud. This aspiring musician is creating music since 2014 and has excelled in this particular genre. 

As a creative person, Justin Callender’s passion, natural swagger and charisma attract the audiences. He is young, ambitious and passionate singer. The new song “Too Much” adds nice fusion of lyrics and rhythm. The creative musician has developed amazing rapping sense. The catchy hook is attracting lots in his soundcloud profile. The hip hop track “Too Much” adapts variations and breakdowns. The singer Justin Callender is expecting his fan count to increase further. More hit tracks are however to release. 

Soundcloud is already receiving high crowd for the contemporary hip hop track of Justin Callender. Versatile voice and snap beats can help you go crazy. Fans of hip hop music would like to groove with each single beat. The young creative person has adopted a new style of fusing two genres together. New single “Too Much” is featured with new instruments and different rhythmic vogue. People will love to groove and nod with this rockstar. Justin Callender plans to take his career to future level. Therefore, he is experimenting through his new music. His wonderful word playing ability helps him to get additional enthusiastic audience. Harmonious vocalization is mixed with snap beats, variations and build ups. The singer focuses on his lyrical and musical prowess. Apart from soundcloud, followers might connect him in instagram and youtube. 
To listen this track visit the following link: